
Contact Us

Contact us by email

If you have any questions or inquiries, please fill in the required information in the inquiry form below and press the send button.We will contact you shortly. Please understand that there may be a delay in our reply.
If you are in a hurry, please call us directly.

* We will try to reply to your inquiry as soon as possible, but please understand that there may be a delay in our reply.
If you do not receive a response after a few days, there may be a system failure. Please contact us by phone.
Also, please check if your e-mail address is incorrect or if our reply to you has been sorted as junk mail.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy regarding the handling of personal information.

Bricks & Seeds (hereafter referred to as "we", "us", or "our") handles your personal information in accordance with our "Personal Information Protection Policy" as follows.
We will do our utmost to protect your personal information so that you can use our various services (hereinafter referred to as "Services").

"Purpose of Use of Personal Information"

Personal information received from customers will be used only for the following purposes:
- Customer management
- Contacting you about matters necessary for the operation of our business.

"Provision of Personal Information"

We will not provide personal information obtained by us to any third party, except with the consent of the customer or as required by law.

"Outsourcing of Personal Information"

We may outsource personal information to outside parties to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
We will take measures such as personal information protection contracts with these contractors and supervise them appropriately.

"Security Control of Personal Information"

We take appropriate security control measures to prevent leakage, etc. of personal information.

"Consequences of not giving personal information"

Please understand that if you do not provide us with the required information, we may not be able to provide you with our corresponding services.

"Procedures for Disclosure, Correction, Deletion, and Discontinuance of Use of Personal Information"

We have established procedures for the disclosure, correction, deletion, and suspension of use of your personal information. We will respond to you after confirming your identity. Please contact us by phone for specific procedures for disclosure, correction, deletion, and suspension of use of personal information.

Telephone number
Content of inquiry
